Friday, July 13, 2007

Vicious Circle

Isn't it the same for everybody.. at least for the people in India

When you were kids.. parents teach you to get good marks (compare your marks with the best in class) in the school examinations esp the boards and your life will be easier! - OK DONE (life should be easier now!)

Then you should get into a good college or university to get a god repo in society (compare your position with the best in your family social circle)! after which you will get a good paying job (Oh no!! Neways just one more step) ... thts also done!

Get good mark in the univ (compare your best senior) and try to follow him to get a high paying job (Ok.. if not the best then a decent pay package will do - hope now i will be independent and will be able to lead the life as I want it to be)! - GREAT got a above average salary in an MNC

Hey!! Now I have a good job, Can I lead my life as I want??? Parents: BULLSH!T - You have turned 22-24 - It is time for you to get married! (MAN - In my teens i studied for this moment to be independent, in college I had encountered with the fairer sex! But had to study to enjoy the encounters at my own will and wish without any explanations and NOW WHEN I THINK I CAN ENJOY - they are taking my freedom away!!!)! (I am not married at this moment but do think the same)

Some of us do think - WHAT IF MAY! I Will never lead my kid into this Viscous circle

But do we really get into the root of the problem?

I think that this is not because of an individual or a single personality - it is the society where we do make our idols at every moment (which change at every stage) and compare our achievement with them without understanding the various skill sets available in the market vis-a-vis the skill set available within ourselves or OUR KIDS!

It is the parents & teachers responsibility to identify the skill-set in a kid and hone his / her capabilities so that he can enjoy whatever he does in his / her life.

Nevertheless... LIFE GOES ON!

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